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Something for Cat Owners to Smile About

7 July 2014  |  kelly

Just take a look at our latest range of cat tags from PS Pet Tags - we love 'em!

  • Some have  a wicked sense of humour, laugh
  • others are just plain, outright cute cool
  • and another lot carry an alert warning of a medical condition or information regarding chipping enlightened

The clever team down in Devon who have been busy coming up with all of these interesting designs will put your own text onto the back of the tags using a special method. This is not the usual engraving, but a modern technique which embeds the text and image into the surface of the tag. This way it can never wear off and they guarantee that for life!

Some of our favourites which make us giggle are


It's Sir to You!


 She got rid of the man - I was allergic

To see the whole range of PS cat tags click here